Thursday, February 12, 2009


erm ....maxwell was found at year 1922 and its already 87 year of existance but of course i have minus 20 years since that 20 year ( 1933-1953) was year that maxwell was being preoccupied for other 'FUNCTION' rather becoming a teaching institude. so better i start off with 1954 hence its already 55 years pass ...since that , maxwell should have build alot of facility and faculty that enchance the student potential in different field of their interest !! yet the PART , the part that i vehemently dislike is THE TOILET. with the investment from the school and as an oldest yet as an instituition icon of MALAYSIA's school to the world , the one part never cease to evolve is the SQUATING TOILET. For year, we excrete peacefully in house with bowl that we can sit and peace reading material in the toilet and yet the school toilet is a horrid. When we enter the toilet , we squat like begger in Chow Kit plus there is no flushing and we had to use the rubber pipe to flow the excretement into the hole .. HOW UTTERLY DISGRACE OF MAXWELL NOT TO IMPROVE THE TOILET FACILITY !!! ITS EITHER WE EXCRETE IN HELL OR DIE WITH COLON WITH FULL EXCRETEMENT STUCK IN THERE !! yet i hope the school will invest more money on the toilet instead building stupid staircase on the library that fail to block the water from entering the noisy library or better the school should allow student to use the teacher toilet ! i rather pay rm 5 to use the toilet in the GARDEN, Mid Valley ( first floor beside Isetan ) than school toilet...

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