Friday, February 13, 2009

we worship you but you dont hv to do this to us !!

its a joy moment when its announce that its SUKAN TARA !!! YAHHH NO CLASS NO SCHOOL !! JUST WHOLE SITTING UNDER SUN N BURNED OUR SKIN TO CHARCOAL COLOR !! how nutritious is the vitamin D ...T.T...

Somehow i felt its messy yet paining instead of enjoyable n become lazy !!! why when arriving in school , we hv to sit on the dirty floor for 1 hours just to get silly attendant .... they triple check the attendancy ...check your present in school , your present in long jump, your present in bullet throw , your present in 40 metre run , n high jump ...all 5 attendant to be taken in a day ...its better to mark once TIMED attendancy and handcruff us or tie us with rope by neck n neck n be your slave walking n pulling the stone to build the pyramid of giza ...... even pharoah cleopatra is better n beautiful to flirt than the dictator of Swettenham , SHOUTING with chaos , rule with iron first , extirpating literacy with activity . if there were to be a commotion , it either PN RAJAH fall into pill of mud in the school field or being hit with bird POO in the dataran Max ...
Staggeringly , both did not happen but something else happen , figthing !! who care he or she punch or slap ... its not the first time you saw blood flowing in other people neck ... macam budak kampung saja .... good thing is i am still alive n the author of this blog is recuperating from idle stress of marching ( if that true ) ...

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