Friday, February 20, 2009

Sports Day 2009

Thamboosamy entered the field with their red lion prancing around. They stopped at the grandstand and blasted the crowd with their best. Then came in Sulaiman with Sultan Sulaiman taking the lead with the flag. Followed by Yap Ah Loy, and then Swettenham. All four sport houses gave their best at the grandstand. They showed the crowd the meaning of the word UNITY as well as TEAMWORK.

Soon after that, the sports event began. Students were called to go to their respective reporting area so that the games could be facilitated more smoothly. But still, there are some who failed to show up during the event in which they have registered. Though it may seem as though there were many participants, the (sad) truth about it is that many have been forced to enter a particular event. The runners are told to participate in most of the running games, the non runners are told to just participate. The sports spirit is slowly seeping away from our hearts as people are getting fatter and lazier.. Anyways, the games was carried out with much cheering and (not to forget) much booo-ing as well. The good part about this event is that when it comes to competition, each house will stand together to support each of their members competing no matter what happened in the past. 

Sad to say, many did not think before competing in their event. The sun was blazing hot on that "blissful" day. But still, many thought that they would be able to run faster WITHOUT their shoes, so here come the sorrowful fact. The track (after much adsorption of heat from the Sun) burned their feet. Luckily the first aiders were there to help. Apart from that, many did not stretch before their event, resulting in many cramps and gnashing of teeth.. Also, for the non-runners who were forced to enter the event, many had "the time of their life" trying to recover form the run. All in all, I would like to thank all the PBSM members who helped us in yesterday's gruesome event. 

That pretty much concludes the happenings of Maxwell's Sports Day 2009.

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