Friday, November 21, 2008


Civil servernts were having major problems with their efficiency in the past. I'm not implying that they're mighty efficient at the moment, but they're aren't bad either. But the ones that I'm talking about are the civil servants working at the JPN. Service are not bad over there at the moment. But when we're talking about teachers, it's a different story altogether!

Job discription: Teach / Educate / Eradicate (....erm, scratch that off~)
Paycheque: Ranging from average to above average
Efficiency: Ranging from below average to average

*Please, if you happen to totally adore teachers, I have no intention to offend you in any way possible. If you somehow DO get offended, I apologise, sincerely. 

I believe efficiency has always been a problem with all of us. Not only teachers. But since teachers are supposed to be the role models for us students to follow, I believe that they should provide us with a good (if not superb) example. Teachers have failed to show efficiency in most (if not everything) of what they do. Classes are often delayed and in certain cases, classes are canceled due to the incapability of the teacher to attend class. Incapability to attend class may stem from their inefficiency in doing other tasks (can we agree on that?).

I shall not mention any names at the moment for fear that I might get in trouble, but I will mention the subject that this particular teacher is teaching. It is MUET. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this teacher. S/He is absolutely fun to hang around with, but when it comes to teaching, s/he misses her/his classes way too often. I shall not mention what class s/he teaches as well. You do the observation and you deduce. 

Enough about MUET, lets move on to Maths. Again I shall not mention whether it is Maths S or Maths T. I will also not mention whether it is paper 1 or paper 2. But what I will mention is her/his ineptitute in carrying out a proper class. No doubt students play as huge a role as the fellow teachers do in carrying out a proper class (note: 'proper class' by my definition is a class in which the teachers teach effectively, sending the proper message across without killing the students with boredom and the students are able to learn condusively without dying of boredom), but I believe that if the teachers don't bring about their teachings well enough, students will not coorperate. We students hate and are utterly terrified of BORING teachers. That does not mean we like teachers who talk nonsensical information into our heads. The latter mentioned are just as bad as the former mentioned above. They both sucks. Therefore finding a teacher that is capable of blending humour with solid education with perfect balance would be an astronomical feat! We students will just have to stick with the mediocre teaching that we are getting at the moment. 

Job description: Learn / Annoy / Make Love (....erm, scratch that off~)
Paycheque: Whatever our parents provide us with
Efficiency: Ranging from below average to average

Yep, we students don't fare too well when compared to our fellow teachers. We still share the same level of efficiency. Part of our lives are dedicated to annoying each other as well as wooing other girls for momentary pleasure (this information is not subjected to each and every student of Maxwell, only a handful of them). When it comes to completing homeworks, I'm afraid that only about 3 out of 10 students will hand in their homework (again, I believe we can agree on that piece of information). We students are not efficient in any direction we look at each other. We suck as bad as our teachers do! But if one, yep, ONLY one student can start a wave of efficiency across the school, God willing, the teachers will ride on this wave as well. But then again, this task will prove to be an astronomical feat as well, much to our disgust.

Bottomline: Efficiency in school governing / teaching = Effort of Students + teachers

Have a pleasant weekend friends~ 

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