Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Story of Langkawi Trip...By The Joker ( O v X )

For those who went or didnt went to the Langkawi trip,please read and give opinion

WARNING,there are alot of craps contain in the post below,please read at your own risk

Well...well...well,I am sure all of us who went to the trip will say this about that trip "IT IS THE MOST SUCKS TRIP I EVER WENT IN MY LIFE, WTF(sorry,the WTF I add myself)"Why we all say that trip suck??It is the organizer sucks or we been cheated.Those 2 points are the main cause I guess .Whatever, let's see ,where should I start first....Ok we start at the day where teacher told us there is a Langkawi trip waiting for us.In the morning of don't know what day I also forgot,A teacher name Mr S (you can consider him as Mr Sucker if you like or whatever) ask all Lower 6 to gather at the takraw court and he told us that ,he had change the Taman Negara trip to Langkawi Trip.Well, at the moment , most of us feel happy like the school going to closed forever(maybe I too overstated).At this moment , nightmare start crawling as the day get near to the trip but most of us still doesn't know what is the next will happen As the day pass by , Mr S told us many thing about the trip and we all also believe what he told.NOW the first LIE he told us is "We are going to stay at the chalet as we reach there".After I heard that news , my mind only this words"Holyshit is he telling the truth",4 days 3 nights stay in chalet with just RM 100(even though I know the school will subsidise half of it).firstly I really don't believe all those !@#$%^ (censor due to most vulgar word I ever use) he said.Then I go home and search the website and I found out , those can be true,IF 4 students share a sinlge chalet because I already calculate the price of the cheapest chalet per night.Then I throw away my suspect against that.Now lets back to the students faults ok , I know most of you all don't like this but I am telling the true .please don't kill me or whatever eventhough you guys can't do so because I am invincible haha.Well,our faults is,most of us didn't keep our promise.I actually not sure of this, I heard from others.It say that actually there are like 35 Lower 6 who wrote their name in the list(maybe some of the being force by don't who and I don't dare to say the name because I am too young to die)then at the day where Mr S want to confirm the numbers of going , it decrease till 27 or less or more I also don't.I understand those who are among the DECREASEAN have their own reasonable reason to withdraw their name from list.Ok, let's don't care those statement,NOW let's listen to others LIE that Mr S told us.1st he told us that it will be a barbeque, shopping at the duty free complexes,and ..I think still got somemore but I forgot because when think of it ,you are like going to !@#$%^ Mr S.(if got somemore,please post it on the next post).And also , I don't where the hell i heard he said the Bus fee is RM 3k( not Roti Masin 3 Kilogram ok.. is RM 3000).Yea talk about the bus, I have alot of shit going to throw against the bus(will mention near the end don't worry).Ok I also had enough of my holycrap of beyond holycrap, let's skip the time straight the day where , we all waiting at SMK Maxwell( Not Superb Moron Kindergarten Maxwell,is Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Maxwell),We all waiting there around 9.30 am and know the bus will arrive at 10 am,But it doesn't. it arrive at 10.30 am or more , maybe the bus driver is hurrying repair we so call Roti Masin 3 kilogram bus so we all can't notice the broken place of the bus.Before we enter the bus and at the time we line up to enter the bus, we found out that , not only lower 6 are going , but .THERE ARE ALSO SOME STUDENTS from FORM 1 who will go with us,Again me and some of my friend said"Holyshit"
Well, actually I am open minded so didn't care it that much,Ok our Mr Nightmare start turn on his gear and move to our mind,As the bus arrive,we look at the Brand New Exclusive Bus and said wohoooo, as in our mind we already know that our bus is behind that Brand New Exclusive Bus,it is an old ,fragile, crappy yellow color School bus. blahh, damn you Mr S.use Roti Masin 3 kilogram to rent this kind of bus .without any choice we force to enter the bus like a women who force to marry a HIV man.As we enter the bus , most of us notice that the bus capacity is really not enough to bring us all,then some of us force to share place with others,Okay , there are alot of thing happen during the 6 hours bus ride to Langkawi but most of it aren't a bad memories at all .plus ,I already wrote this long before we reach Langkawi , so I decide to skip the Going Bus Event(and yeah during the time when the bus is going to arrive at the jetty,2 chairs on the behind rows broken and scare my friends who sit on it) Tick Tack Tick Tack,Ok reach the jetty where we waiting for ferry,well nothing special to talk about in this event because most of us are enjoying taking photo with each others like we know the ferry will drown so we capture the photo to let's those who survive to remember us hahah.(Fast forward), Ferry....walk...wait....enter bus..(stop,Play back with normal speed),The time now is around 8 or 9 pm I guess,,well inside the bus ride to our hotel , a funny event occur,One of us ask teacher how many stars is the hotel we going to stay ,and Mr S answer "It is a 5 stars hotel",After hearing that we all overjoyed like a person who just climb out from the hole of shit,Myself also overjoyed like get to own a brand new supercomputer,But the joy had stop as Mr Nightmare had open his turbo and crash to us.The bus stop at a very silent street.After that , we all are ask to leave the bus,As we step the foot on the street, we look up , we see many shoplots and suddenly we see........a building...with a board writen there..........Domintary.........and there are.... 2 windows between the board....... and as we look inside the windows....we see......alot .....alot ....alot ......alot of .. DOUBLE DECKER BEDS, LISTEN...IS DOUBLE DECKER BEDSSSSSS...........,And teacher said to us this is the place where we going to stay for 3 days 2 nights(sorry I miss out the event of anouncement of change of 4 days 3 nights to 3 days 2 nights).Dang Dang dangggggg, we are doom , as we all thinking that , are we going to stay in this kind of place.suddenly my friend said "is this 5 stars !!!!" then I hurry reply him" Yea this is 5 stars but just now you miss the negative sign in front ,Is -5 stars"All our heart is like being storming by alot of ugly insects,We stood below the hallway for minutes before we all decide to go up,.....Girls right stairway,Boys left stairway.we boys move up to the stair and reach the room and we see a big curtain and as we open it TAA DAA , we see those girls back...damn if we see brand new group of girls , I won't be that angry.(is this post only be shown to boys who went to the trip only??I am praying thats true).inside the room ,Turn left , we can see 3 rows of toilets,and turn right we can see a room fill with ........ alot alot alot of Double Deckers.Holyshit. this is the place where I can see many double deckers in my life ,it is like a double deckers forest where we can play War game in there which it can last for a days and oh yeah, that place is really a double decker forest because it is kind of damn shit smelly inside there and some of us even said" Hey who the hell feet smell is that !!!!"And of course, the answer you can hear is"Hey I know is you right, sure is not me because I wear shoe without shocks so my feet won't get smelly(I don't know who taugh him that wear shoe without shocks won't cause smell).Ok forget those smelly thing ,as I found my bed and I lie on it , I straight woke up back as the bed got alots of needle but it is not,because the bed smell like .... sorry if I explain it , those who read it will straight vomit your today breakfast.Nevermind again because thanks to those Form 1 who spray some perfume inside the whole room. the room get less smelly.Another funny part in this room is ... there are no blanket on the bed , yet there are some blankets on the table which myself also think that those blankets are more suitable to become towers.As we notice those pile of towers stacking on the table are blankets ,I am sure most of you think we all rush for it , if facts, we don't because we afraid those blankets will have don't what kind of bizzare smell which can make us faint.Don't care, we still took it and use it.After this and that, we all prepare to go outside to find a restaurant to have dinner , when we go down , teacher warn us that you can go by yourself but need to back before 12 pm (hey damn you, we are not Cindarella)and the teacher who said that I name her as Ms L ( you guys can think her as Ms Lousy).Ok we just heard and don't care like we always do in school.Well the dinner event isn't really interesting because is just own personal story , and I know you all won't have interest on it because I am now posting a critize post even I put alot of story in it, sorry about that if not i can't continue to critize.Ok where are we now , after eating,shiting and sleeping(damn cold during the sleep because don't know who is the moron request to open all aircons and fans like the electricity doesn't cost money ,indeed , it really won't cost us extra charge but damn it, don't make self suffer because want to waste others money.You guess what time we going to wake up even we are in vacation.. Is 6.30 am , earlier than the time I used to wake up to go to school.That's teacher orders because the bus will reach at 8 am.But again the bus late again , 9.00am it arrive if I am not mistaken,During the wait time , some of my friends are playing football on the street.Kind like Shaolin Soccer, the ball I mean not the players because they aren't monk yet.The ball flying there and here till Mr S asked us to stop and scold us"Hey big already still play ball on the street"Yea idiot,you wait us play for while then you come and scold us, where the hell he had been during the time we playing?Hiding somewhere and smoking?Am I bingo , if so where is my price.Yes indeed ,because not only I guess it , we even capture the photo with handphone and myself saw it many times .Honestly the 2nd day was the best day ever when we all in Langkawi.Here another LIE we will face .....Mr S said that 1st we will go to Museum then ride boat to see natural habitats then ride cable to peak and the next event which we all get deceive and being hated for no reason, going to beach where Mr S promise that we will stay there from 5 pm till 7 pm but Ms L force us to go back to bus at 6pm. and the last event which we able to heard only , the barbeque party(which I have no idea where the hell we going to do that and where on earth we get those raw food).I will skip those 1st 3 events and start from the beach event because those 3 doesn't have specific incidents happen but only some happy memories , but I rather like to share sad memories than happy.Ok back to beach event,Do any one of you heard going to beach and you are forbidden to swim?? that's crazy!! it just like you have a beautiful wife with body measurement 37..25...35 but you are forbidden to........with her.Damn you , I rather dead than alive.Even we are not allowed to do so , we don't care .. if not it just like half dead half alive.As we all enter the bus even the time still didn't reach 7 pm yet Ms L scold at us and said that our dinner will be at our own which mean it cancel our barbeque party(As I expected, where the hell they can have a party without any equipment and raw food or they expect us to eat our own hand).Every 1 of us felt like being cheated and like we are being blame for the party cancel..Damn them....I really wan !@#$% to them during that time but can't due to tiredness of severe knock down on the beach.At here I don't think there are something specific about after we reach back to our SO called NEGATIVE FIVE STARS HOTEL.At 2nd day night , we heard that we are going to shop on duty free complexes on the 3rd day by Mr S.Yeah finally, we all think we can import some goodies back to our family but it just another LIE waiting for us.On the 3rd day , same as the 2nd day , we all need to wake up before 7am and bus will arrive at 11 am.Yes indeed the bus didn't arrive at the time it should and as we enter the bus,we heard that our duty free shopping has been cancel due shortage of time.Again Damn those fool again, if they know time isn't enough then they should not make fake promise,Nevermind that , we took the bus and to the jetty and we all said hoooray , we finally need not ride that stupid damn hot bus which the aircon hole won't have any air in it.Ok inside the jetty, there is small shop which sell chocolate , beer and cigarettes.Again inside there, we aren't allow to buy cigarettes and beer.. maybe we are underage? 18 year old underage ??which country law is that .Many of us bought many chocolate like those stuff doesn't cost money at all but not me because I can't find the brand I want(of course damn it, that shop size is even smaller than our class room) .Forget it,after ride ferry and then we ride back our Roti Masin 3 kilogram Bus to head back to KL and we already estimate the time we reach KL is around 9pm.Yea the worst nightmare has arrive especially for me.Yea 9pm . the worst event has started .Around that time , our bus has enter a road way which left and right also cover by alot of trees.At that time the bus is like speeding and is like racing with don't know who , at that time in my mind I was think this is Initial D but it is bus version not sport car and of course , it can't drift if not this blog website won't ever exist in the internet.(all those crap I invent myself,that lousy bus can't even get it's speed more than 50 KM/H because , we use Roti Masin 3 kilogram to rent it , what can you expect of it).Anyway the bus suddenly stop after we all heard a small explosion sound below the bus.Ok it has begun .the bus stop beside the road way , and we all experience the most creepiest events in our life and now.the bus stopped there for 3 hours until it can move on.Around 1 am,the 2 chair at the behind row broken(even the chair already broken from the begining ride to Langkawi but the driver manage to fix it).Yea the suffering begins from 1 am to 4 am .During that 3 hours which the worst 3 hours I had ever face.As I stay caution for 3 hours while watching all my friends sleep peacefully(I guess some of them aren't)Whatever,thanks I done alot of good deeds , I manage to survive that 3 hours .We finally arrive to KL and I watch all my friends get fetch by their family 1 by 1,

Ok here's the story end , I am sure most of you won't read the middle contents because I know wrote damn long with alot of crap but.. I don't know why , as I started to write something, I will get addicted to it and will keep write on, actually there are alot i still can write on but....blah forget it , scare you guys get bore of it..Ok Thanks for reading.
I think I miss alot of incidents do I , If so someone please leave comment about it

By The Joker
(X O)
\ V /


  1. hahahaha..!!!
    nice piece of work!!
    i cant stop laughing, where's the story about eric's spec into sea? xD


  2. Haha...
    Luckily i never go there...
    U guy havin a very fun trip...
