Friday, November 21, 2008

Selecting your Form 6 subjects

WARNING,the post below contains alots of nonsenses,please read it with your courage or you will regret

Let's see there are how many subjects we can choose in Form 6.....9 I guess without including General Education and Malaysia Univercity English Test (Muet).Those 9 are Biology,Chemistry,Physic,Economy,Principle of Account,Business Study,History,Bahasa Melayu and Mathematic.Well there are so many subjects we can choose and what we choose will decide what career we will be and what we can do to contribute the country in the future.
The dialogue below is about a student who went for a counseling session to ask for guidance what subjects he should choose in Form 6 (this dialogue I invent myself,you won't be able to find it anywhere in the world except in my mind)

Date:Don't know(but SMK Maxwell isn't closed yet)
Time: Don't care(either night,morning,afternoon or evening)
Place:On Earth ,In Malaysia,At a don't where 10 square feet counselling room

According to the date and date above, a student name Mr Noob visit a place stated above for a counselling sessions and ask Mr Pro for guidance about what subjects he should take in Form 6

Mr Noob:Good morning,night,evening,afternoon(choose either 1) Mr Pro,my name is Mr Noob
I need your superior guidance of suprememacy about subjects in Form 6
Mr Pro:Yes, I can help you with that,ok let's don't waste our time about this and get it started,
First , I want to know your SPM results(not Stupid Person Measure Result)
Mr Noob:Well I done pretty bad in my SPM
Mr Pro:Nevermind that just speak it out
Mr Noob :Ermmm.....12 A 1....pretty bad is it.. all my friend get 15 A 1 and above
Mr Pro:Wow...that's pretty bad for you, if I were you , I should knock the wall and die
Mr Noob:Yea,I already think of that but I am afraid of die
Mr Pro:Ok let's see what stream you are interested in
Mr Noob:Any stream I can be in, that's why I need your guidance
Mr Pro:Ok.. How about we start at science stream 1st,is it ok with you
Mr Noob:Sure
Mr Pro:Ok I will explain abit about this stream, 1st you need to take biology.With biology, you
can become a doctor either for humans or animals
Mr Noob:Well you see,I don't think I can become a doctor because my handwriting is too
clean,nice,and beautiful
Mr Pro:Oh nevermind that,you also need to take chemistry too and you can create alot of usefull
medicine.Let me tell you this, if you can create a potion which allow a person to maintain
her beauty,you sure become the richiest man in the world
Mr Noob:Yea,but if I succeed,I afraid I will cause chaos in the future
Mr Pro:Why
Mr Noob:Because we can't differentiate who is mother,who is grandmother,who is the grandchild
Mr Pro:.....How about Physic?You can build bridge,building and alot of giant structures if you
have knowledge of physic
Mr Noob:But if those structures collapse and kill alot of people. I will be the one who responsible
for it
Mr Pro:Who ask you to admit it is your fault.You can just simply say, for example if the bridge
collapse, you can just say the wind and wave is too strong or the temperature is too hot
making the bridge to collapse.That's all, settle
Mr Noob:Those excuses are quite familiar,I don't know where I heard it before
Mr Pro:Every excuses are same ,they change the structure of sentences only,don't why still alot
of people trusting it.Ok,let's change to Art stream shall we?
Mr Noob:Okay
Mr Pro:On art stream, you gona take economy, you can know the current world economy status
Mr Noob:Even I know it,what can I do?I don't think I can change the economy by
by myself if I wanted to
Mr Pro:If you can predict the economy crisis and when it occur, you can help to
minimize it
Mr Noob:What!,I study economy just to minimize economy crisis but not prevent it.It
just like a doctor who can't heal his patient but able to let's his patient live longer
abit so he can suffer abit more before he die
Mr Pro:Damn you, nevermind, later you will know how usefull economy subjects will be.
Let's change to principle of account.okay?
Mr Noob: Whatever
Mr Pro:If you become an accountant, the whole world need you because you are the
highest demand jobs ever.You can prefer to work overseas and many kind of
area even a jail need you
Mr Noob:Why a jail need me?To calculate the expand consume by prisoners?
Mr Pro:Nope you enter there as prisoner because you miscalculate 1 dollar
Mr Noob:......why i miscalculate 1 dollar need to go into jail while others who corrupt
millions of dollar still live happily outside
Mr Pro:There are no equality in this world.It just like ,why you so ugly while I so
handsome.Just live with a happy heart
Mr Noob:!@#$%^ you,
Mr Pro:Ok,how about business study, in this subjects you can learn alot of usefull thing,
more than everything else stated above
Mr Noob:Yea, teach us how to open business and get rich of it
Mr Pro:That's a minor thing you will learn.But the important thing is ,you will become
the master of deception.With this subjects, you will be able to deceive people
like buying thing with extremely low price and sell it with superior high price.
And if you reach higher level, you can even cheat a whole company without
spending any penny....but 1st you need a handsome face like me and that is
impossible for you because people see your face , they know you are the villian
you know why?
Mr Noob:Shut the !@#$ up or I %^&* you
Mr Pro:Get it easy man,just joking.Ok how about taking history??kind interesting you
Mr Noob:I can't take history because if I do so,I can't sleep during night
Mr Pro:Why? you don't need to study during at night because night is silent
Mr Noob:Nope, because I sleep alot during school hour especially history class, that's
make me can't sleep at night
Mr Pro:.....How about Bahasa Melayu?You will know the language history like how and
where does the word come from, kind fun
Mr Noob: I don't even know where my mother tongue come from and who the hell
create english which make us all suffer from learning it, why the hell I care
other language's history
Mr Pro:Agree,I also think the same way.Ok for now , left only mathematics.
Mr Noob:You guess who is the most person I respects in my life
Mr Pro:Don't know and have no interest on it but will listen to it if you want to say
Mr Noob:I really respect those mathematicean who create something usefull which most of us
can't understand and that's call FORMULA not 1 but alots of it
Mr Pro:Yea until now , I still don't understand why they like to use X Y as unknown instead of
Mr Noob: I heard there are 2 compulsory subjects which need to be taken ?
Mr Pro:Yes, and those 2 are General Education and MUET,Malaysia Univercity English
Test not Marching Until Exhausted Training
Mr Noob:Why those 2 are so special until become compulsory
Mr Pro:I will explain MUET 1st.With MUET, you will be able to speak like you are an
Mr Noob:Now I already speak like an american......when I swearing with those F words, it
really sound like those shown in the TV
Mr Pro:Me too,hehe.Ok about General Education.With that knowledge we can get to know
alot of current world issues and we also able to find a to solve it like how to idenify
the cause of pollution and find a suitable way to solve it.And you know what ,
General Education is the easiest subjects to score A in exam
Mr Noob: Eventhough many people score A ,but why the hell our current world status is
getiing more polluted
Mr Pro:Errrr...... this question , you need to ask the government , because we are not
incharge of it
Mr Noob:Well after listen to all crap and nonsense from you , I need to reconsider to enter
Form 6,Ok thanks alot and hope we won't see again
Mr Pro:Same as here
The End

I know there are some subjects I make shit of it and sorry about it because I only have little idea of it (Damn you if you don't have enough idea, just skip it).All those statement are just nonsense and hope you all enjoy it

By The Joker
(O X)
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