Thursday, November 20, 2008

Since I see a lot people having fun on this blog
I think i should join too !
Anyway~ just for ur info~~
I suck at blogging but hell with all that
today I'm here to talk bout the teachers of Maxwell(that every1 hates that is)
For us maxwellians(or as students la)
It is a must to know which teacher we can play with and which teacher is an a double S
In maxwell
we have a fair amount of teacher who is an A double S
and we can't do shyt bout it

lets rewind back the time to early this year
b4 the lower 6 were here

starting of the year
the 1st perhimpunan was .. not even a perhimpunan
i mean..what kinda perhimpunan do u have when u have a teacher(Troll,Doll (chucky's wife) and Satan's other half or whatever u wan to call her) screaming "HOI!!!" the whole time.
Its actually kind of stupid that we have this kind of teacher.
I mean~ yes she is doin her job
but who in the world would catch some1 just cause he/she is reading a book during a assembly
nuts ain't she?
not to forget that she is already so ugly!!~~
and old!!~~
but she is still carrying that trolly bag which ... primary students use?
and ya~~ do u even rampas socks just cause theres 1 black spot there and not even give em back until today?
no rite?
(this sounds really lame cause i'm tryin not to use any offensive words~~or not this will be full of #$%^&**&^%#^&**&^%#$%^()^$@%%*&^&*^&^*^*&^!!!!!!!!)

Fortunately~ i dun not have any picture of her
and i can't find any pics of her for u people to see~~~
lucky us huh? ~phew~
u guys could probly vomit after see-ing that

There are many more teacher which I want to bantai~~
but I can't~~
since I'm of their radar~~
I would soooo love to talk about Mr.S(from Joker's post~~ theres a picture below)
but I'll keep that for another time
till then ~~
and yes~~ pls people~~ u all should join the fun too

sorry for that cheap A double S pic~~
but who wants to see his face anyway rite?

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