Thursday, February 12, 2009

Can Consider this as MORAL ???

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" everyday we waste 60 minutes in ours life sitting on dataran max every monday doing nothing yet hearing story from teacher exercising their dictatorship & their complain against the student, yet we all are form 6 and we should not be include , we waste 60 minutes of non comedian speech, in this 60 minutes , people can get engaged,marry, and divorcee . In every 60 minutes, you can think about your pain sitting on the dirty,wet and unsmooth surface of tarmac, why not use this 60 minutes sleep in house and end up coming late to at 8.30 with a more refreshing mind to study ."

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" whenever i come in , either half of the class or all gone murdering the knowledge that teacher going to bestow , why or why you all( those not in the class ) so active in COcuriculum . In one n half year , we all are spending half of the priceless time to do sport thingy that mr siva alway nag we all to finish before the deadline where there isnt a deadline being set . ACADEMIC is 90% n SPort is 10% , its not worth SPORT just to earn 10% . Who care SIVA demand here n there , we all are student , STUDY ...GET 90% !! with your present in sport n not contributing is enough you get 5% ....its already 95% ...its enough for you to go U...there is no such thing is 100% perfect , even its 100% , its round up figure . NOTHING IS PERFECT ! "

1 comment:

  1. i agree with u........ they are so demanding when it comes to sports... its bcoz they need to compete with other schools... and last but not least, the teachers there are soooo lazy...
